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Yilan, Taiwan
I just returned back to the States after 11 years in Taiwan with my daughter. Taiwan is an excellent base for us explore Asia, while living in relative (gun free) safety, while benefiting from a cheap and efficient national health care system. The people are amazing too. I have Taiwanese friendships that are 20 years old and I'm always making new ones! My coworker here in CO is from Taiwan.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Costco Comes to Tainan

Ok so I realize my life might actually be more of a prosaic bore after all if I'm getting all animated over shopping at Costco, so please just indulge me. After at least 3 years of rumors, since I've been here, Costco finally opened last week here in Tainan. Its right across the street from B&Q (like a Home Depot) and its an utter madhouse. My friend Erica drove us and we used her card.  We joked that it would be like Shilin Night Market in Taipei and it nearly was.The lines to get in reminded me of the Taipei  International Flower Expo. We drove around, bumper to bumper just to get into the underground parking lot (B3). No more driving down to Kaohsiung for Costco runs!

the entrance line
Of course I spent way too much, but the goods will last me a while: a block of sharp Cheddar, mozzarella cheese sticks, fishies, canned wild salmon, organic salsa, RoC night cream (hooray for Retinal!  Its illegal for Taiwanese dermatologists to sell Retinal because of potential Vitamin A overdosing), organic tortillas, a massive container of grated Parmesan and Bob's Redmill multigrain muesli (he really is the highest quality grains goods out there), and frozen blue berries. What I didn't find but looked for: organic peanut butter. Sure they had massive jars of Jiffy, but I'm a purist when it comes to nut butters, no sweeteners (corn syrups probably) or carcinogenic hydrogenated oils, thanks anyway.
Checkout and food court
After the checkout I waited in line for 15 minutes for some massive hot dogs and then called it a night. It was perfect for stalking up on not necessarily needs, but wants. Perfect for stalking up for the following day's typhoon. Next paycheck I will buy maple syrup (pure of course), feta cheese, organic peanut butter, coffee, corn chips, and see if they have some pita bread. Hmmm cant wait!

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