March 8th is the internationally recognized Women's Day. Twenty years after "Beijing" when 189 countries committed themselves to a blueprint on gender equality, not one country has yet to achieve true equality (see Gender Equality is Still Decades Away) -although Iceland is probably the closest. Sure that bugs the crap out of me, because I'm a women and a mother of a daughter, but even if I was a man and had a son, I'd like to think gender inequality would bother me.
However, whats gets me royally incensed to the point where I want to don a super hero costume and break knee caps and testicles is sexual violence against women and girls.
Chinese New Years wasn't the domestic, extended familial bliss I sort of imagined it- for many Taiwanese women its a time of re-victimization and imposed silence. This isn't the first time it was recently brought to my attention. In fact I had to ask around for the right resources to direct these women to.
If you or anyone you know has been sexually assaulted/ raped by a family member here in Taiwan-please find help, if not for justice, then for the sake of future little girls and women.
It is not your fault and local culture and custom can not be an excuse to legitimize male dominance to the point where little girls lose their peace of mind and childhood. It's not just men who are guilty, mother's too afraid to confront or rock the boat who keep silent are delinquent. This is unfortunately real people that are in my life, and the lives of my friends- not some remote newspaper clipping.
Here is some helpful resources to find out your options:
Sexual Assault Prevention Centers (by county)
The Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH Facebook)
Tainan contact info: 70060 70060 台南市臨安路一段89號
No. 89, Sec 1, Lin'an Rd, North District, Tainan City
tel: (06) 3582995
fax: (06)3580195
Tainan Contact Info: 708 台南市安平區中華西路2段315號7樓
7F, No. 315, Sec 2, Zhonghua W Rd., Anping Dist, Tainan City
tel: (06)295-3315 (06)295-3438
fax: (06)295-1079
7F, No. 315, Sec 2, Zhonghua W Rd., Anping Dist, Tainan City
tel: (06)295-3315 (06)295-3438
fax: (06)295-1079
These organizations need your help, there are many ways you can contribute, contact them and find out. Especially in terms of funding, small, local women's organizations are systematically overlooked by donors (see Grassroots Women's Groups Must Go It Alone).
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