All good things come to an end. I'm an expert in meeting wonderful people and then leaving our separate ways. In July I had to let go of 16 beautiful souls.
The kindy class I had for 2 years are now off to elementary school. Some of them gave me so much grief, a bloody lip, numerous headaches, stiff neck aches, a couple of common colds and an enormous vacuum in my heart when they left and had to grow up.
I know every teacher believes their kids are the smartest, but mine really are. They all became fluent, we had deep conversations everyday about life, God(s),health, family, going pee, keeping our hands to ourselves and walking with scissors.Two of them were vegetarians from religious beliefs, one was the friend of cockroaches, one's mother was going through Chemo and his family remains a living testament to the power of Grace and selflessness. Their parents were the absolute greatest support. They all took their children's education and emotional health as first priority. They were gracious with me and Z, especially when we first arrived and didnt have anything. I received a used microwave, blender, kitchenware, kid clothes. Gifts continued on during holidays up until I was showered with bouquets and more presents on our last day of the semester.
I am not the crying type, but even I, the Dark Queen (as my loving bro John calls me) got emotional during my good-bye speech. My co-teacher Pauline (the bad cop)cried like a baby, and the stupid camera guy had her blubbering almost during an entire song on the 2 big screens on either side of the stage.
We had to rehearse the first act of a play, plus songs with movement. This is in their element, they can hear a song one time and nearly have it memorized. Of course the graduation performance was a smashing success, the other 2 graduating kindy classes also did well. They did a traditional tea ceremony with their parents and that was also highly emotional (for the parents and even for me as the observer.)
I am still recovering from my separation from some of them who I adored. I didn't exaggerate when I told their folks on stage I knew they are already making the world a better place.
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